Social Media and Advertising Literacy of the Older Adults


In this study on advertising literacy, the authors focus their attention on the target group of the older adults This is a very attractive target group that is always eager to shop and try new products.

They also have sufficient financial resources to meet their interests and needs. This target group is also very attractive to advertisers, but their ability to understand advertising may be impaired compared to younger target groups. This is due to the use of new digital forms of advertising, which may not be as comprehensible to older adults. In their study, the authors surveyed the level of advertising literacy in a sample of older adults.

The aim was to determine whether older adults understood the intent and objectives of advertising and whether they were able to identify the advertiser (advertiser). The authors also investigated the advertising literacy of older adults in relation to other marketing communication tools, such as public relations, product placement, and social media advertising.

Základné informácie
  • Názov Social Media and Advertising Literacy of the Older Adults
  • Autor Ľudmila Čábyová, Alena Hrušková, Martina Rybnikárová
  • Vydavateľ Studies in Media and Communication, 11(1), 143-152.
  • Rok vydania 2023